When the cookie crumbles

You ever feel like you have the weight of he world on your shoulders because of everything you’re dealing with all at once? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: CHANGE is the only thing that’s CONSTANT in this life. Do you ever wonder why so many changes have to happen all at once? We let go of toxic relationships or people that no longer serve us, all while changing careers and accepting the shifting roles within our family dynamics. Some people are getting married, mastering parenthood, and battling illness simultaneously. Then, in the midst of it all, we try to recreate some kind of normalcy in effort to relax ourselves and our brains. But, the fact remains that your world will no longer be the same.

When people ask us how we’re doing, we lie and say that we’re fine. I suppose it’s not a lie because at that moment, we are fine. It’s when we’re home alone laying in bed that our minds begin to get the best of us. Our self-doubt starts to go into over drive, and we start to think of everything that could go wrong. The dark shadows of our brains unravels every positive thing we know to be true about ourselves. All of a sudden we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re incompetent.

This is a common narrative for many. Even though we know that eventually everything will work out because it always does, the wait for the final outcome to be revealed is down right nerve wrecking. It’s common to experience anxiety, anger, and depression during major changes in our lives. Maybe if we allow our minds to fathom the thought that everything could go the way we want it to, we would stress less.

It’s easy to say everything will be okay, but it’s another thing to actually believe what you’re saying. Handle what’s in your control and prepare yourself for the things you can’t control.

Most changes are traumatic ones, but they all help us to become better versions of ourselves.



10 thoughts on “When the cookie crumbles

  1. This must have been meant for me to see tonight! This was my exact battle today. I felt like i was losing my mind! I cried and i do feel better. When it seems like everything comes crashing down at once, how do you recover? I know i have a great life compared to others but i still suffer with my personal shortcomings…

    1. I feel the same way! I am appreciative for my life and everything that I have. However, things happen that change us. There are things that we need to change! And, when it rains it pours. Crying allows you to let go of everything you’ve been holding in.

    2. @Marcia one in the same. My aunt taught my god sister and I the SERENITY PRAYER when we were teenagers.Girl the words of the prayer have helped me so much. Hopefully they will help you to.

      *God grant me the serenity
      to accept the things I cannot change;
      courage to change the things I can;
      and wisdom to know the difference.
      Living one day at a time;
      enjoying one moment at a time;
      accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world
      as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
      forever in the next.
      RIP Aunty Chi Chi, thanks for sharing this beautiful prayer with me that you knew would help me throughout Life 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♂️

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