Thank U, Next: End of year reflection


2018 has been a year of loss, endings, and feelings of perplexity. You know that feeling when you are in a state of the unknown? When you know everything is changing around you but you don’t know what the end result will be and if you’ll mentally and emotionally survive… That was how I felt. I had to remind myself that the Universe is always working in my favor regardless if I can see or feel what’s happening. Having a friend die unexpectedly helped put some things in perspective for me. Death has a funny way of making you reevaluate your feelings, life, and your relationships.

I decided to end relationships that were no longer serving me. I released people that drained me on any level, and allowed those that faked a friendship with me  to hang themselves. Some people are energy vampires and others are plastic. Being able to recognize different forms of toxic behaviors has been a true gift. I closed out a chapter of my professional life that was 10 years strong. My entire life was unstable. It was as if my life were the state of California during an Earth Quake. I had decisions to make. I knew I had to restore my state of mind, because it would determine my reality.

I focused on and expressed gratitude for all that I had at that moment. I realized that I have always been surrounded by people that support me even at my darkest moments. Im always warmed by laughter and love. So, even when I wasn’t sure of what was next I maintained because I recognized everything that was right in front of me, which helped me put things in perspective.

About two weeks ago I tweeted “I was going to write an end of year blog, but I don’t want to depress anyone.” I laughed about it, and 10 days later my entire life shifted in a positive direction. Here I am writing my annual end of year blog. At this very moment I can honestly say that I am happy.

Whenever you feel like a breakdown is coming hold on because you’re about to experience a breakthrough. I decided to name this blog “Thank U, Next,” because I am grateful for the learning experiences 2018 has provided. Yet, I am ready for the next chapter of my life (So no Im not going through a breakup) .. I’m just ready for new beginnings in a new year.

We often have a plan or an idea of what our lives should be or look like. Then life throws things at us to change that idea and make us realize we don’t know what we’re doing. I’m just riding the wave of this life because I don’t know what’s next.

It’s okay to not have all the answers or have it altogether. You’ll fall into your purpose. Remember to forgive yourself for mistakes that you’ve made. You’re doing your best.

I will leave you all with the my six R’s! Recognize, Reflect, Reevaluate, Release, Receive, and Reciprocate!


I wish you all the best and Happy New Year!

4 thoughts on “Thank U, Next: End of year reflection

  1. Beautiful ,heart filling, and all truth! Love it, made me feel wonderful, every word are things everyone can relate too! So proud, love your strength, faith, and wisdom!

  2. Such a wonderful reminder that we are more of how we react to life and not what happens to us. Also, great example of mindfulness. You’re on your way to big things

    1. Hey Chris I have to remind myself often that my reaction determines the outcome. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Happy New Year!

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