Yoni Steam Me Please


The first time I ever heard of a Yoni steam was on an episode of “Girlfriends.” I know it’s sad but it’s true. I didn’t think much of it at the time, besides it being interesting. But, now that I have friends that solely practice womb care, are Doulas, and midwives I started to become more interested in what a Yoni steam is all about. Continue reading “Yoni Steam Me Please”

Scandalous Reality..

Olivia doctor


Did you all watch the last episode of Scandal? My mouth literally dropped to the floor as Olivia proceeded to the clinic to have an abortion. All while Mellie stood in the middle of The Congress floor for 16 hours in order to guarantee funding for Planned Parenthood. There are so many groups that are against Planned Parenthood not realizing that only 3% of the organizations business are actually abortions. Planned Parenthood has been viewed under a microscope since a clearly edited video was leaked accusing the organization if illegally selling fetal issue. It’s safe to say that today Planned Parenthood’s efforts are geared towards Women’s health. Mainly helping to prevent sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Continue reading “Scandalous Reality..”