Slowing it down…

We’re on lockdown right? This is just a friendly reminder that you do not have to come out of this lockdown with a new skill , a new business, or trade! I keep seeing people say that which just highlights that people love repeating things they think is trendy and/or popular. It also shows that the entire point of all this change is to FORCE YOU TO SLOW DOWN! How many times do we see people talking about they arent getting any sleep because it’s money to be made? “They are out here grinding and hustling 24/7.”



When you are not paying attention to the signs something always happens to smack and wake you up. Maybe the bigger picture of this lockdown is for humans to come to an overall awakening! That awakening is for us all to re-evaluate what is actually important. There are so many things we take for-granted in this life such as going to visit family! People are always too busy to stop by your Great-Aunt’s house or your cousins house. But, now you want to because you cant!



That job that you’re always complaining about going to but now you don’t have one. Now you see how important that job is to your lifestyle. How about the women that love to talk mess about people that wear their natural hair or that doesnt pay anyone to do their hair. Guess what? No one can get their hair done now! That was actually an example of putting a lot of emphasis into something that isn’t important. It seems that many of us are unhappy with ourselves, and afraid to sit with ourselves and that unhappiness in an effort to figure out and heal ourselves. Small and large companies are out here encouraging people that can barely find basic things they need like tissue to buy their trash ass products! That to me is socially irresponsible!



I want people to come out of this pandemic alive, mentally and emotionally healthy, understanding that family and friends are truly important. As well as physical interactions, and understanding what you actually need to survive in this world. Good health, Clean Water, food, shelter, electricity, income, and a reliable source of transportation so you can work. Those are your essentials. The rest are just extras…

Stay WOKE!

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