Enjoy life!

Just a few days ago my life was what I consider normal. I had made plans for this weekend to attend a new bar and pool party with my friends. But, today is different. Death came to remind me that I am not in control and that it could hit me, my family, and my friends at any given moment. Death had to remind me that nothing and no one can be taken for granted.

For the last few days I’ve been trying not to allow melancholy to completely take over my mind and body. I’ve been putting on my “I’m okay” face and voice. I’ve been trying to stick to my normal workout routine, social media viewing, reading, and normal conversations. Yet, when I have a single quiet moment it hits me and the sporadic tears start to develop. Everyone grieves differently. We all need emotional support from time to time. However, it is most critical to have someone you can lean on emotionally and physically while grieving.

I’m not afraid to say that death scares me, and creates anxiety within me that I often can’t control. Death also has a way of making me (us) evaluate the roles and positions of the people in your life. Do they mean you well? Are they adding value to your life and increasing your happiness? Or are you the one constantly adding in the lives of others without reciprocity?

Life is too short for any of us to not do exactly what we want to do. You have to at least try! Life is too short to hold grudges! You never know when it’s your last time seeing someone, so love without limitations because we don’t belong to people. We belong to the Universe!

In Loving Memory of Officer James Hearn. He lived his life to the fullest extent.


4 thoughts on “Enjoy life!

  1. oles and positions of the people in your life. Do they mean you well? Are they adding value to your life and increasing your happiness? Or are you the one constantly adding in the lives of others without reciprocity? This part truly spoke to me. Amen! Preach! This is truth and I Agree within my life, it’s the latter. Thx for another insightful post my friend 😘

    1. I replied to this comment earlier! Im glad this spoke to you. I was speaking to myself well. So often I get bent out of shape because I dont get what I give. After the week I’ve had I’m no longer pouring into anyone or anything that can provide reciprocity.

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