Ban on abortions


Politics and spit!
I’ve been contemplating how to go about this article, and decided to start off with the legal aspect. There are 3 branches of the Government: The Executive branch, which is the highest, and is what the President of the United States (if we had one) would fall under; The Legislative branch, which is what members of the House and Senate (Congress) fall under; The Judicial branch, which is what the Supreme Court and lower courts fall under.

Who makes your state laws?
The reason why it’s so important to vote for your local elections is because the locals make your laws! Local elections are the most important elections! The people you select directly affect you and your community! The Governor of each state is part of the Executive branch, but they have legislatures that the people vote into office. You vote the legislatures and the the Governor in office during your local elections. The people give them power to create and repeal laws! I said all of the above to say that we the people have to know the stance of the people we’re electing!


Abortions and all that JAZZ!
This entire country, society, most religions, and politics are all built off of and reflect PATRIARCHY! I have always known that abortions were a political topic. I was once suspended from school for talking about abortions by a male teacher. That was the day I realized that expressing my thoughts and feelings would always be a problem.

People are really protesting to ban abortions, not even realizing that this is about control. This is not about “saving lives.” Those same lives they are talking about saving are the ones that end up in poverty and then blamed for being poor. Some of those same lives are frowned upon by the Government and society when assistance is needed to feed children! What a woman decides to do with her body is her business, which brings us to Roe vs. Wade. This is one of the most notable cases regarding women’s rights! A Supreme Court judge in 1973 decided that per the 14th Amendments due process clause and rights to privacy, it is unconstitutional and illegal to tell a women that they have up to a certain amount of time to get an abortion. Yet there are all these restrictions on abortions to this day! No one’s body should be regulated by any Government entity. However, If the Government isnt going to prevent men from getting women pregnant, they certainly can’t tell women when they can and can’t have a baby. In fact, the Government constantly aids men with prescription drugs to help their erectile dysfunction!


Here we go!
Trump said he would over turn Roe vs. Wade if he were elected. It appears that we’re on that path. Women are the majority of this Country! That is a threat to Patriarchy in itself. Beings that truly hold the most power are often abused and oppressed within society! This abortion nonsense is the start of a downward spiral on other laws and constitutional rights that are barely abided by in this imperfect system. It’s time to destroy this current system and create a new system. Rebuild. Recreate. Restructure.

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