AR15s and things

There is no doubt that the USA has a serious issue when it comes to mass school shootings. There have been 18 reported school shootings in 2018 alone, even though this is only the 2nd month of the year. There has recently been constant conversations about the latest shooting that took place in Florida, which includes the victims’ parents and other students coming forward demanding something to be done.

It seems that everyone is blaming someone or some group of people. I read one article blaming the police for not storming into the school immediately. Apparently it’s not known that storming into a school with an active shooter isn’t police protocol. Then there are those that blame the NRA, and are focused on gun control policies like banning AR-15s. I am not a fan of the NRA by any means, and I actually feel they’re a rich and racist terrorist group. I am also not a fan of guns. However, I do believe that people should have the right to bare arms.

The real problem and cause of mass shootings or school shootings is White male patriarchy when dealing with aggression, rejection, or dare I say not being able to have their way. Could you imagine the entire world being constructed to appease and accomdate your very existence, and all of a sudden being told that you’re wrong or forbidden to do something? It could very well have you sitting on a high horse of rage- Ready to demolish anyone that stands in your way!

The privilege of White male patriarchy is further enforced after he’s killed children by trying to justify his actions with mental illness claims. At what point will this country get to the source to prevent another mass shooting of any kind? It may also be a good idea not to have schools in suburban neighborhoods so open. Anyone shouldn’t be able to just walk into a school. There should be one door for entry, and that door should have a metal detector and a security guard just like the schools in the inner cities. Perhaps the suburban schools need an armed guard. At least a guard would create a first line of defense. A first line of defense is better than arming teachers to fully engage in a shoot out if need be.

Dismantling the culture of White male patriarchy in combination with dealing with anger, rejection, and aggression is the real preventative measure, but it has to be acknowledged and addressed first.

How many more children have to die before this country gets to the root?


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