A Golden State of Mind

I like to think of the glass as half full rather than half empty. Of course there are days when my negative thoughts are stronger than my positive ones, but I remind myself that being positive brings more positivity to me. Being positive isn’t as easy as the memes on Instagram display. You actually have to work towards being positive.

More often in life, particularly as children, we are told no more than we are told yes. That factor alone helps us create negative thoughts for every positive thought that we have. Combine rejection with life’s disappointments and negative people, And BOOM YOU’RE A NEGATIVE NANCY OR NEGATIVE NED.

If you want to try and stay positive, you must know that it takes a lot to reprogram the way you’ve been thinking your entire life. So, if you find yourself slipping back to your old mindset, don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself. Here are some tips on keeping a positive mind:

1. Gratitude. Remind yourself of all in which you are grateful for having.

2. When you find yourself worrying about something that you want, remember that if you don’t get it, you didn’t lose anything. If you do receive it, you gained something. This will allow you to detach yourself from the outcome of the scenario and be free of worry.

3. When a negative thought comes to your mind, combat it with a positive thought.

4. Before you get out of bed in the morning, say positive affirmations about yourself, your life, and how your day will proceed.
5. Listen to feel good music.

6. Focus on the present. Worrying about the future causes stress and anxiety. Dwelling in the past causes sadness and depression. Be in the moment!

7. Hang out or talk with some of your positive friends.

8. Remember that “failures” are just lessons, and to truly fail is to not try.

9. Expect nothing! We are often disappointed because of the expectations that we create and place on others. We have expectations for events, venues, and restaurants as well. If you don’t expect anything, you won’t be disappointed.

10. Remind yourself that anything is possible!

4 thoughts on “A Golden State of Mind

  1. Staying positive is a daily struggle for me. As you said, your past and how one has lived their lives for so long. Disappointment, lack of trust and loyalty in relationships, make it very hard to have successful unions. You know we’ve talked about this years ago. I still struggle…..


    1. You know I did not forget! I am proud of you! You are doing it! It is a challenge to retrain your mind. It’s definitely a process. Only judge people off of your experiences with them. If he hasnt given you a reason not to trust him then trust him. Thank you for commenting!

      1. Thank you so much for this .. it encouraged me and helped with my feeling anxiety.. everyone needs to read this

        1. You are most welcome Bonita! Im glad I could help. Im going to reread this myself. Thank you for commenting.

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