End of Year


The month of December represents so much for so many people. We celebrate holidays, spend time with loved ones, and constantly hear about people dying. The combination can bring on strong emotions that often causes us to evaluate our lives.

I’ve been hearing so many people say that 2016 was a bad year for them. With there being only 1 day left in 2016, today!! I hope people can pinpoint what they would like to be different in 2017, and think about the actions that need to be made for that change. For myself, 2016 was not only a good year, but a tremendous learning experience.

I published my first book this year; that experience alone was a learning experience. During the commotion of publishing a book, putting together promotional videos, a book launch and getting the word out – I neglected my blog. I did get to discuss some topics on here such as the Flint(MI) water scandal, the death of Detroit Public Schools, and the Presidential election, my post were still far and in between.

2017, I am challenging myself to balance my time between all my businesses. Im increasing the amount of abundance in my life, and paying more attention to what people don’t say instead of what they do say. For my readers I wish you all happiness, good health and self-awareness. Remember that you are in charge of your thoughts and your inner thoughts reflect your outer reality!

Happy New Year!

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