Rock The Vote


In my mind voting is always crucial. If you’re a Black Person (Meaning any person that has African ancestry) rather you believe that your vote counts or not should understand the importance. Our people were given intellectual test, beaten, attacked by dogs, and killed for the right to vote! Even after all of that some Blacks specifically in America still were not allowed to vote.

Oh Georgia
Today different illegal methods are being used to suppress voters turnout. In the state of Georgia 53,000 voter applications were rejected by Brian Kemp. It’s important to know that Brian Kemp is The Secretary of State, and that he is running for Governor in this election! Since The Secretary of State is over voting applications etc, him running for Governor is beyond a conflict of interest! Adding insult to injury those applications were majority Black applicants.

Kemp has been rejecting applications for hyphenated names and signatures that he claims didn’t match exactly what was on file for those individuals. Stacey Abrams A Black woman whom is a democrat is running against Kemp for the Governor seat! Which, makes his fraudulent voter activity add up, because he knows he’ll lose if the votes are counted correctly! Tensions are high but the passion and dedication to actively change is higher!

Georgia isn’t the only State that has voting fraud issues taking place. The level of Georgia’s fraud is just blatantly obvious. We all know it seems nearly every election in Florida is tampered with! This year is no different. In fact all across the United States Republicans seem to try to enforce new sketchy voting requirements or are disqualifying voter applications.


What you can do is verify that you are registered to vote in your State. This can be done at After you’ve verified that you are registered review what proposals are on your ballot!  You can perform this task by a simple Google search. Be sure you understand the concepts of the proposals. Figure out whom the proposals help. Research the candidates if you haven’t already! If you know someone that isn’t informed, be sure to share!

Go Rock The Vote!

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