To hire or not to hire

In my role as a HR specialist I recruit potential employees for open positions for businesses. I post detailed job descriptions, conduct interviews, and at times do the onboard training for the listed position(s) . As I navigate through this process with potential candidates for businesses I have been heavily noting consistencies and inconsistencies that I have been noticing among candidates in the process of job hunting. Strangely, oddly… my main note is, PEOPLE ARE NOT PREPARED TO WORK. Really! I have seen everything- from improper email addresses, text message worthy written communication in emails, showing up late … the list goes on and on. It’s seems as if some people have the attitude of “if I get the job I do ; if I don’t I don’t.” I know this isn’t that case because people have financial needs and wants that are fulfilled by having a job.

Continue reading “To hire or not to hire”

In the company of others


It’s tiresome enough that I often feel like I carry the culture on my back when it comes to information. I often feel responsible for informing Black people of what is expected of us, how we’re perceived, and what knowledge we need to know about ourselves, our history, and what’s happening to folks that look like us across the globe! Of course I’m not going to reach everyone, but if I can reach one person, I’ll feel somewhat accomplished. Continue reading “In the company of others”

Black women at work










A while ago there was a Twitter hashtag named #BlackWomenAtWork. The hashtag discussed all the racist and biased comments that Black women receive from their White counterparts. I participated in the hashtag, but to be honest, I hadn’t quite experienced a lot of  what was discussed. I came from a corporate environment where Black women ran the office alongside a few White women. Black women were definitely the majority. Continue reading “Black women at work”

Rake it up the re-up


How much money did you spend on Christmas gifts? Did you add additional people to the list at the last-minute? Did you dip into your saved money to do some extra things over this holiday season? I know many people are still buying outfits for a big New Year Eve party or get together. Some of us got new outfits to sit in our families living room for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas is now over, and if you don’t have a New Year Eve outfit yet I wish you the best of luck out here.  It’s important to start replenishing your cash!

You probably used your credit card too. Watch out for those interest rates. I know you still want to go to brunch on a Sunday or two after the holiday. I’m also sure you want something to eat other than holiday food. I didn’t even take any leftovers home. I can’t eat them after day 2 anyway. If you’re one of those people that don’t need to replenish any funds be it regular spending money, savings, or savings for Christmas funds next year then bravo to you! The tips I provided are not for you, but maybe you know someone that may be interested.

Below I’ve have 10 tips on revamping your stash. It’s all about discipline.

  1. Go over the amount of money spent over the holidays.
  2. Decide how much you want to save or replace per pay cycle.
  3. Create a budget for groceries, toiletries, and gas to last you until your next pay. STICK TO THE BUDGET!
  4. Don’t dine out unless someone is treating you. You’ll save so much money by eating at home.
  5. You don’t have to go to every single event you’re invited to. Instead invite people over for a game or movie night.
  6. Stop yourself from ordering merchandise online. You don’t need it because you’re not doing that much hanging out, remember? Refer to number 5.
  7. When shopping for your toiletries get them from a store that you don’t like to be in for long periods of time like Walmart. It’ll be beneficial to get what you need, and get out of there!
  8.  See if there are extra hours available for you at work. If you have your own business big or small run a sale on some items or services that you provide.
  9. With the money you have remaining from your pay cycle you can pay more toward your credit card balance if you used your credit card, and the rest you can stash in your savings.
  10. Repeat the cycle until you are back on track with your dollars.

Happy Savings!

Treat Yourself

Every now and then I feel like the work that I’m doing isn’t enough. I find new ways to become more productive. I get a little lazy sometimes and put things off. I have a corporate job, run and write my own blog site, I’m a business writer (Business Service Solutions), and I’m in the middle of writing my second book.
The last 3 months have been hectic! I’ve been working nonstop. There has been constant brain storming, collaborating with other wtiters, working out, and my regular social gatherings. I can’t seem to actually go to sleep until 4am, and I have to get up around 7:30am. I’m a night owl anyway, but I typically try to get to sleep around 2am.
I really do try to sleep. I forgot to mention that I’m managing 3 Instagram pages and 4 Facebook pages. Needless to say I’m tired, and it’s hard to admit it! On my Business Service Solutions (@Business_Service_Solutions) Instagram page, I give a business tip every week. This week’s business tip is take a vacation!
It’s so important to take care of yourself, and put everything else on hold. Although I have technically had 3 vacations this year, I didn’t leave the state and I still worked all of my businesses. The only thing I didn’t do was work my 9-5. Today I’m taking a mini vacation. I have about 4 or 5 days off, and I’m flying out.
I’m going to try not to answer any emails or go to bed thinking about my next and/or current projects.
Treat yourself!

Budgeting and saving.


I started my blog because I wanted to inform the people about what’s going on in the world, and to help people comprehend situations and circumstances beyond the surface. In fact I want people to question everything that they were ever told, because many of us have been told untruths. My website (blog) is my small contribution to the people. Recently I decided upon some new categories. One of the categories is “MONEY TALKS!” I’m a person that has struggled with saving money because I lack discipline in this area. Simply put I am a spend thrift and I know I am not the only one. I buy what I want and I’m unapologetic about it. However, I know that saving money is important. It doesn’t matter how much money you make either. If you’re bad with money you can be a millionaire and still be broke.

This is the first post for the Money Talks category. I am pleased that Sonia Perkins-Thompson,  an entrepreneur with a Bachelor of Science in Business with a focus in financial management supplied LetsTalkRaeStyle with a video about budgeting. This is her contribution to the people.


“This video is a short “down to earth” basic why to create a budget. It gives examples and reasons on why creating a budget is so important. This video talks about the things we over look and do not think about when it comes to budgeting. We think sometimes it’s hard to budget and save but in reality, no one can win a game without a game plan. Focusing on the importance of discipline and other things mentioned in this video can lead to  the goals you have in life.” 





Being your own boss


Entrepreneurship has been on the rise for the last 3 years. Everywhere you turn, you see someone opening up a business- even if it’s just an online business. There are memes all over the place encouraging people to exit their 9-5’s to become entrepreneurs. “Do what you love and get paid for it,” is a popular slogan that’s often viewed via social media. There was also a post that said something along the lines of “we congratulate people that get new jobs, but don’t congratulate those that start their own business.” Shouldn’t both be congratulated and celebrated, though? Continue reading “Being your own boss”

Bad Business..


It seems like more and more businesses and small businesses are popping up everywhere! It’s amazing because many of us come from families that encouraged us to attend college so we could get “good jobs.” The focus was always education and it’s relation to living a comfortable lifestyle and/or money. Continue reading “Bad Business..”